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I give glory to God for His faithfulness in my life through the guidance of this Church and our Prophet. I am just in my 30’s, I dropped out from school in 2003 because nobody was there for me to continue my education.

That year, I came to Lagos and worked as a labourer in building Covenant University, but looking at what was going on there, I always believed that there was a strange hand working there. I came back to Lagos permanently in 2006 and by direction of the Holy Ghost, I started attending this church and the first bible verse that stuck with me was Isaiah 1:19 – “if ye be willing and obedient you will eat from the good of the land”. Immediately, I was very sure there is good on this land, and knew that all I needed was my willingness and obedience.

From there, I started tithing and everything started changing for me. I got married and with two sons, but ending 2014 when Papa started shouting hard about the ark of covenant that landed in our midst and the arrival of God of Wonder Double, my wife and I and our 2 little boys positioned ourselves well. In the first five months of 2015, we pressed as a family and keyed into every instruction coming from this Altar, and by June 2015, everything changed. God enthroned my family. From the little farm I run on a half plot of land at Ayobo, miraculously, God give us 70 plots of land at Ajah area that cost hundreds of million naira and was fenced and secured within 2 months.

At the same time, God used me and my wife to buy a house worth millions of naira for my mother in an area she has been a tenant for years. As if that was not enough, since I joined this commission I have not been sick once neither have I taken back my sons of nine and seven years of age back to the hospital since they were born in this Church. I give glory to the God of Bishop David Oyedepo for making a once abandoned child, lifeless and a dropout, now CEO of a company that employs over 60 people. Indeed following God’s instructions pays.

Bayo M.