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My wife and I joined this Commission in 2011. We came battered and decorated with shame, but God has restored our lost glory. In the month of April, I had this excruciating pain in the left side of my tummy. It was so severe that each time I tried to take a deep breath it was as if someone was tying the pipes that air passes through. Even when I felt like yawning, the pain would become worse and I had to break the yawn into parts.

It got to a stage that the devil started telling me that this could be appendix, but I encouraged myself in the Word and rejected the suggestion. But, the devil kept telling me to face it. After all, appendix is not a killer disease. I should just go for the operation.

But, I replied that never was it reported that Abraham nor his sons were operated upon and my father in the Lord was not subjected to one either. So, I cannot have appendix. I listened to one of Mama’s message where it was stated that we may lose everything but we should not lose hope. So, I held on to the Lord and his Word.

During the Anointing service in May, I said to myself, like the woman with the issue of blood, that if I take the Anointing oil, everything trading in my bowel will be burned off like chaff and to the glory of the Lord, Bishop Oyedepo said that everything that is not of God that came with us to the service would be burnt up never to return and I shouted, ‘Amen’.

Also, he declared that all who believed should take the Anointing oil with faith and I did and to the glory of the Lord before I got home after the service all the symptoms and the pains had all gone!

– Edochie Okafor-Mbah