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Last Friday, our team went for outreach and the Lord gave us 14 souls and on Sunday 10 of them were in Church. The following Monday, we began to call and mobilize them to attend the Believers Foundation Class. While I was making the calls, a General was calling, and I was cutting his calls because I needed to conclude with the new convert.

Afterwards, I got an SMS to come to a certain office on Tuesday with my Passport and Identity Card. On Tuesday, I got there and realized that I was enlisted as part of a new defence surveillance security team that was set up in the Country. That same day, we launched out for the outreach and God gave us 35 souls, in Thursday 56 souls, while I was on the field, I got a call from Lagos and the person introduced himself as the Managing Director of a company.

He further said to me, “you have been recommended and I am sending you a letter of appointment as the National Coordinator of a new initiative that is about to start in the Country.” This appointment is with benefit of 100% above what I get from companies I consult with. Indeed Operation 615 is for our enthronement.  I give God all the glory.

– Bright Omoregie