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I worked in an organization, where I was their managing director and CEO. Automatically, I became a board member. Last Wednesday was slated for our swearing-in, not knowing that the board meeting was actually planned for my initiation. During the meeting, a man walked in, with four policemen mounted at the four entrances to the room. He was a high-placed member of an occult society. Immediately, I realized that all the members of the board belonged to the secret society. As the initiation started, they cut their left thumbs, and blood was gushing into a calabash they kept there. When it was my turn, I realized that I had my mantle with me, which I brought out. Immediately, a strange wind blew which collected the mantle from my hand, and placed it on the calabash! Immediately, everything caught fire, including the building! I thank God for my deliverance!

Excellence, T