"And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen." - Mark 16:20


Healed From Dizziness, Weakness And Headache!

For some months now, I have been feeling dizzy, weak, and headache, it always begins at the same time. It has been a very big…

Supernatural Turnaround Via Soul Winning!

‘After our wedding in September 2019, we joined this Commission and followed every instruction from the altar. However, when Operation 10 souls for Christ was…

One Swollen Testicle Turned Two And Healed

I discovered that my new born baby boy’s  scrotum was not normal,  instead of two testicles in the scrotum, It was only one testicle. When…

Supernatural Encounter Through Kingdom Endeavours

When operation prayer for life was flagged off, I knew there was something in it for me. I told my family that it is our…

13 Years Barrenness Terminated Via Encounter At The Last One Night With The King

During the 2019 21 day prayer and fasting, Papa said we must find our way to be in the last one night with the service.…

4-Year Career Stagnation Destroyed!

“For many years, I worked in an organisation as a casual staff without been recognized. During the 21-day prayer and fasting in January, I participated…

All Manner Of Diseases Healed!

“When the 21-day prayer and fasting started last year, I noticed I had general body weakness. The following day, I decided to go for a…

Business Breakthrough Via 21-Day Prayer & Fasting!

“Pastor David Oyedepo (Jnr.) opened my eyes of understanding when he said, ‘In this 21-day fast, we can have seven encounters of three days spread.’…

Wonder Double Restoration

My family lost the business we were doing. We ran into a debt of over #2M. Things became tough as feeding; payment of children's school…

Months Severe Excruciating Dorsal Wrist Ganglion Dissolved!

“After the 21-day prayer and fasting for last year was declared by my Father Bishop Oyedepo, he went ahead to charge us to split the…

4-Year Career Stagnation Destroyed!

“For many years, I worked in an organisation as a casual staff without been recognized. During the 21-day prayer and fasting in January, I participated…

Fallopian Tube Replaced Supernaturally!

“I had an ectopic pregnancy and I almost bled to death, due to ruptured fallopian tube. I had an emergency surgery and the right fallopian…

Kingdom Advancement/ Soul Winning Pays

I Praise the God of My Father Bishop Oyedepo who has given me a new dawn indeed. Since I got married, I have not had…

God Avenged Me Speedily!

I joined this Church when I came to visit my son in Lagos. I began to attend all services, including Covenant Hour of Prayer, and…

Supernatural Turnaround

I started Operation 615 squatting in someone's apartment, indebted to several people, sad and broke. I engaged in Operation 615, went out to share tracts…