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“I had an ectopic pregnancy and I almost bled to death, due to ruptured fallopian tube. I had an emergency surgery and the right fallopian tube was removed leaving me with only one tube. I tried to conceive to no avail afterwards.

When the 21days prayer and fasting began, I keyed in and believed God had perfected all that concerns me.  So, I went to Federal Medical centre for the x-ray of my tubes and womb.  On the day I was to collect the results, which was the 9th day of this ongoing 21-day prayer and fasting, during the Covenant Hour of Prayer, God’s servant said we should go and return with our good results and I claimed it.

On getting to the hospital, the result baffled all the doctors. They said it was either I lied about my ectopic surgery or the doctor lied to me about what he removed. At that point, I brought out my phone and showed them the picture of the severed fallopian tube to prove to them that my God is not a liar. The result said that my two fallopian tubes are complete, intact‎ and unobstructed. ‎This, indeed, can only be God! I am a living proof that God answers prayers absolutely and has perfected my case. To him be all the glory!”

– Nnennaya Ijeoma